Home Survival Tips

You and your family can cope best by preparing for disaster before it strikes. Having the right supplies kit is one way to prepare in advance. Once disaster hits, you won’t have enough time to shop or look for supplies.

Before the typhoon:

· Power may go out during a typhoon. Keep flashlights, lanterns, candles, matches and/or lighters handy.

· Fill up a few gallons of drinking water and some for washing, cooking and bathing.

· Secure all important documents in plastic bags and store them in as safe area.

During the typhoon:

· If evacuation is unnecessary, make sure to stay inside your homes and away from windows. If you are n low-lying area and/or do not have a concrete home or storm shutters, consider seeking shelter elsewhere.


· Turn off and unplug all appliances. Shut off the main gas valve and power switch.

In case of flood:

· Make sure that the main electrical power switch or circuit breaker is turned off.

· When you need to touch a switch and the floor is already wet, dry yourself and stand on a dry board or carton or table and/or wear boots.

· Wear a rubber gloves or use a well insulated pliers to remove wirings.

· Wear rubber gloves and rubber sole shoes, remove mud and dirt from your main circuit breaker or fuse including its enclosures.

· If electrical wirings or connections are soaked, allow the wires to dry completely. Drying may take days, depending on extent of water damage and external temperature.

· Make sure that the appliance itself is completely dry, have it serviced or checked by a licensed electrician. Do not turn on damaged and wet electrical appliances.

After the typhoon:

· Check for injuries and immediately apply first aid. Do not move the severely injured, unless they are in immediate danger. Call emergency services if you are in need of actual assistance.

· Be aware of hazards. Check for damaged electrical wirings, broken glass and structural damage.

· Assess your emergency supplies such as food and water and determine your priority needs.

· Stay away from damaged areas, fallen wires and downed trees. Do not enter the areas that are blocked off by authorities. And do not go sightseeing in disaster areas.

· Checked with your neighbors. Lend a hand on to those in need.

Your supplies list:

· Candles, matches and Flashlights with extra batteries

· Emergency Light and Radio

· Several bottles of drinking water

· First aid kit

· Portable stove

· Non-perishable food such as canned meat and instant noodles.

· Rubber gloves and rubber boots

· Rain coat

· Toiletries

· Cellular phone with charged up batteries